I think that a great example of a literary hero is Die Hard protagonist John Mcclane for several reasons. For one he is just a total beast but that doesn't exactly make him a hero. The characteristics that make him a hero are his unwavering determination to win the battle against the bad guys no matter what they throw at him. Another aspect of him is his selfless care for his family and anyone in danger. On several occasions he risks himself for people in and out of his family even though he doesn't necessarily have to. Overall he is a tough, brave and selfless person who deserves the title of hero.
A personal hero of mine is my Mom. She is the strongest, bravest, and most selfless person I have ever met. She has had several challenges in life such as her husband leaving her in the early years of my life. After that she contracted cancer and fought for her life over the course of a year. Never once did her positive outlook waver and she never EVER backed down from a challenging situation. She sacrifices so much just to send me to Roncalli so I can get a good education. Out of all of the heroes in the world I feel that she is the most deserving of such a title.
Martin Luther King Junior is a hero that I never met but everyone has heard his name. He was the herald of the Civil Rights movement that brought in new rights for the African Americans who had been oppressed for years. He went against all of America who still vehemently believed that black people weren't as good as whites. He withstood all of their hate, rage, racist sayings, and ways of vengeance. He was so dedicated to his cause that it cost him his life. A person who didn't support his ideals killed him because of what he said and believed. To say that he was a hero is an understatement. He was one of those iconic people who bring along change in the most radical ways and is deserving of remembrance from everyone forever.
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