Just this week gas prices jacked up about 2o cents. To people who don't pay for their gas this may not be a big deal but to most it is horrible. It makes lots of people have to worry about getting gas at any lower price. Some say that this gas price rise is due to the oil spill in the Gulf. Experts say that this isnt the fact. They say that it is due to the switching to summer gas and it is a normal price jump for the beginning of summer.
The fact that gas companies raise their prices for any reason is stupid to me. If they would simply have a much lower price they would get a huge turnout of people to buy gas, especially when all other gas is $2.95. I cant act as if im an economist but to me it seems like those huge corporations are just out to make money off of people. They will stop at nothing to gain money for their use. It bothers me that gas can jump 20 cents in one day. This is a ridiculous thing that should be one thing to reform in our country
I agree with Gavin. Most of this seems to be from the companies just out to make money. If there were corporations that were out to supply us with fuel, then we wouldn't be so worried about it. I'm sure all consumers would then turn to that certain corporation and buy their product.
ReplyDeleteI agree with both Jonny and Gavin. It is ridiculous that the gas companies spike the gas prices just because of the beginning of summer. The gas prices should remain at a constant price so that people can afford to pay for it. The lower the price, the more customers that gas company will receive.
ReplyDeleteI know I might get ridiculed for this, but I can see why the price is raised. The gas companies need to pay for the transport of fuel by truckers and such. Also, gas is a huge part of the payment for employees. I agree that lowering the prices will actually cause more people to spend more for it. I think that's the right thing to do, anyway.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with Gavin. I mean I just started driving not too long ago, but for the little time i have been driving i've noticed that gas is my biggest issue. It was an issue with my parents even before i was driving, but now it's twice that because of all the driving i have to do. It's out of control and i don't like it.